Human Scientific Advisors

He is the Coordinator for general ophthalmology. He is mainly
engaged in refractive surgery and cataract surgery.
FORMATION Doct. Luca Vigo is graduated with honors
and praise at the State University of Milan, headquarters where
he also received his specialization in Ophthalmology with 70/70
cum laude.
In 1994 he made a stage at the University of California in
Los Angeles (USA), and since then he deals with refractive surgery.

Dr Natasha Pahuja is a Cornea 8 Refractive Surgeon at Natasha Eye
Care 8 Research Centre. Pune India.
Dr Natasha Pahuja is a PhD scholar at the Maastricht University
Netherlands. She is a clinical e research scientist at the GROW
Research laboratortes.
Her research is based on motecular biotogy to understand pathways
drlvlng diseases.
Dr Natasha Pahuja has many publications to her credit and also serves
as a member of editorial board for many International peer reviewed
Dr Natasha Pahuja won the extremely acclaimed Colonel Rangachari
award at the annual meeting of the AIOS (All India Ophthalmologlcal
Society Conference) for the best paper of the country for her
discovery In pathways Of Keratoconus b devising a novel treatment
for this intriguing disease.
She aiso won the E.T SELVAM AWARD - BEST POSTER award for her
research on Refractive surgery and LASIK.
This is the ttrst time in history of 75 years of Att India
Ophthatmological society that two out of three prestigious awards
have been given to the same doctor.

University of Minho, Physics Department The Minho
University Is a universlty established In Braga In 1973,
With the rest Of the so-called "New University* that have
implemented the higher education system In Portugal.
Address: R. da Universidade, 4704-553 Braga, Portogallo
Inscriptlon: 18.330 (2015) Fundatlon: 11/08/1973

Chairman & Managing Director, Nethradhama Hospitals Pvt Ltd,
Bangalore, India, Medical Director, Nethradhama Super Speciality
Eye hospital. Bangalore, India.
Managing Trustee: Shraddha Eye Care Trust, Bangalore, India,
Memberships: Karnataka Medical Council, India. (KMC)
KMC-29854, Indian Medicai Council. (IMC), Ali India
Ophthalmological Society. (AIOS) membership no: 05250,
Karnataka Ophthalmological Society. (KSO) — 262, Bombay
Ophthalmological Society (BOS), Bombay Ophthalmologists
Association (BOA), American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO),
American Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS),
European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS),
(APACRS), Bangalore Ophthalmic Society (BOS), Keracon 111C
Membership International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS).

Born in Macerata on the 22/2/1952, resident in Piedmont since 1965.
Graduation in classical studies with the highest school marks.
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, with the highest school marks
and e printing dignity at the University of Torino in October
1976.Specialized in Ophthalmology, with the highest school marks
and e printing dignity at the University of Torino in July 1980.
Registered at "l'ordine dei Medici of Turina He has about 28.000
interventions made on the anterior segment and on the posterior
segment. He is particularly interested in surgery of anterior segment
and refractive
He worked for thirteen years at the department of pathology and
retinal surgery to the Ophthalmic Hospital of Turin Since 1981
freelance. He directed for three years the Low Vision Center like
owner-manager of the Piedmont region to the Hospital of Fossano
(CN). He has been responsible for four years of the ophthalmology
division to the clinic "Promea" of Turin.
He has been responsible for three years of the ophthalmology
division to the clinic "Sant'Anna" of Casale Monferrato (AL).
Since 2012 from today he is responsible of the ophthalmology
division to the clinic "Istituto Raffaele Garofalo" of Verbania (VB).
Since 2015 he directs the Cataract Surgery Center with laser at
femtoseconds of the clinic "Eremo di Miazzina" of Verbania.

Regarded by many as a 'Key Opinion Leader' in Eye Health,
Dry Eye, Contact Lenses and Sports VisiOn. He is repeatedly invited
to present at prestigious International Conferences,
(from Auckland to Zurich) receiving numerous professional
accolades including the inaugeral award of 'Dry Eye Practitioner of
the year 2017' and was a 'Visionary Speaker' at the BCLA Pioneers
Day held at the Royal College Physicians, London.
Nick currently holds the academic position of Honorary Lecturer at
Cardiff University Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences,
whilst delivering specialist clinics in Medical Contact Lenses and Dry
Eye at the Midland Eye Clinic in the LJK.
Nick has an in-depth grasp of both the science and the practice
based logistics of 'bringing science into practice'.
Delivering innovation through new techniques and products,
creating clinical protocols and guidance for colleagues and peers.
Having experience of fitting complex lenses including scleral, orthoK,
custom therapeutic soft contact lenses and including true biological
bandage lenses.
Veterinary Scientific Advisors

DVM, SCMPA, Dipl ECVO, Hon Dipl ACVO, MRCVSEBVS@ European 8 RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology Consultant at Veterinary Ophthalmology Referrals in Torino, Milano, Samarate (Italy) Founder editor of international and national journals and newsletters: Progress in Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology, Progress in Veterinary Neurology, Veterinaria, Ippologia, Orizzonti Veterinari, Hereditary Eye Disease, The Globe. Founder member and member of the board of the following international and national organizations: • European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO, President 2014-2016) • International Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ISVO, President 1991-93) • Italian Small Animal Veterinary Association (AIVPA, President 1982-84) • Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Society (SCIVAC, Vice-president 1985-87) • Italian Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (SOVI, President 1989-98) • Italian Society of Veterinary Neurology (SINVET, Vice-president 1989-92) At present the main area of interest is Ocular Surface focusing on new diagnostic techniques and treatments.